“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Railroad Tracks

I stopped lifting my feet when I go over railroad tracks. Yes. I embrace my superstitions in life, it's not a burden, but just something I have completely grown to coexist with. Smiley face.

Lifting your feet as you go over railroad crossings was meant to secure your life track in marriage...in "getting hitched." Make sense? Why is this something I must do..because most everyone I grew up with (for the most part) are on their 2nd or 3rd child?  As this is a wonderful and indescribable life notch, it is theirs, and not necessarily mine.

I have traveled enough at this point in my life to know that my priorities 10 years ago or <  were completely uneducated. At least in correlation with me and the magical life I intend on living. Life is what you make it. It is unexpected, unpatterned, and consistently changing. This took a while for me to understand. 

Placing parameters on yourself is a far different cry than setting goals. I believe we should allow ourselves to accomplishing something greater than ourselves (and the parameters life sometimes seems to be intent on setting). We should always remember to listen to the earth, sun gaze, moon gaze, hug wonderful creatures, help others, lift others up (physically and metaphorically), and continue to shine as this can only help the glow increase in others. 

We are what we do, what we say, how we act...and it doesn't take education to know how precious and short our lives are. How about embrace and laugh at the unexpected instead of fearing the unknown? Count riches in the memories and adventures had, give gifts with the value of love and kindness, drawl conclusions with the knowledge that THINGS CHANGE. 

Here's to falling asleep in the moonlight, deep breaths, and wonderful adventures to come.

love, peace, & kindness,