“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

our morning time loop

"Love is beyond time, or, rather, love is both time and space, but all focused on one single constantly evolving point- the Aleph." -Paulo Coelho

To put into perspective our current chapter, time is omnipresent. 

Note: rose colored glasses a must

Every morning we wake up in a magical cloud on the mountainside. Barely chilly mist engulfs the fields and wildflowers, as if mother earth has laid a sleeping spell on this little countryside town. Bob Dylan is the morning soundtrack and the chocolaty smell of fresh ground coffee fills the farmhouse. The apple strudel baking in the oven is marrying into the scent, like when two clouds meet and you can no longer tell them apart, it’s truly beautiful. Birds wake and the honeybees sleepily buzz to the blooming sunflowers. The morning is magical.  The warm sun melts away the cloudy spell and the blankets of clovers shimmer in the golden glow. The mountains arise and collide with the sky. Dogs run through the apple fields and up the gravel road, through the clovers, the strawberry patches, and the sage bushes. At this moment it is entirely impossible to not feel the happiness, the energy of the earth and the warmth of gratitude for beauty in everything you feel and see.

Some might say to keep on stepping, that we gain nothing by staying still. To that, “people are crazy and times are strange.”  I feel blessed to be stuck in this morning time loop. This Aleph.

“Visit your soul, don’t visit your past.” Paulo Coelho, The Aleph