“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Roadtrip to Aspen/Glenwood Springs, CO pt.1

October 5, 2014

-plane just took off from Denver, I am too tired to press these keys..

*note-need neck pillow by next flight

-I brought my tablet in hopes to finally write of our recent Aspen/Glenwood springs road road trip.  Tricky thing about that is that no words can describe the adventures we had and no pictures can paint the majesty of the nature we saw.  

Being that it was such an epic trip I'll separate it into days...

Day 1 (part 1)

Woke up on a brisk and sunny Wednesday morning and made some hot tea.  Rode up to El Dora ski resort to work on my application process, and came back down to the cabin to pack.  Packed up and headed to town to meet up with another friend; 3 people, 1 little lion (Boston), and a rental Toyota Sequoia.

Grabbed some road trip food and flowers and headed to Aspen.  The ride through Independence Pass was spectacular.  I took so many pictures just looking out the window.

The thing with the mountains of Colorado is that your jaw drops, you slow the car, roll down the window or even stop the car and get out to take pictures, then make a turn and have to do the same thing again.  Around each turn is another surprise the mountain has in store for you.  We probably went through 9 national forests the way to our destination...stopped in Twin Lakes, saw deer, rabbits, had eyes geared and ready for a moose sighting, and stopped to take pictures more times than I can remember.

Definitely took a pit stop at the Continental Divide, which looked like the Arctic.  Frozen lake and almost 12,000 feet up.  Boston had his first snow experience- I plopped him in some fresh fluffy snow and he froze, literally. Super cute though.

Made it to Aspen it was snow/raining and grabbed a drink before hitting the road some more.  Arrived in Glenwood Springs @8pm and checked into the Hotel Colorado.

note: when they say historic hotel, built well over a hundred years ago, that usually means no AC.  

The hotel was beautiful, huge wood burning fireplaces, pet friendly, and-lots of elderly people in cowboy hats.  Went out for dinner and drinks and called it a night.

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