“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Cabin by the sea; the beginning of a journey

Day one of living in my bamboo cabin-Casa Estrella:

(I named our little home, Casa Estrella, because of the blanket of stars above..)
Sunday night should actually be included in the week because it was the beginning of this whole story...

I made coconut and cilantro rice alongside skillet garlic green beans, all fro the vegetable truck I ran to catch earlier in the afternoon.  Made a pitcher of jamaica iced tea just because. Ate dinner listening to music and the sounds of nature...the crickets, dogs, and waves. Fell asleep and awoke to the house being illuminated with lightening. There was a wicket storm and I felt like I was in a tiny wooden boat adrift on a sea during a storm of godly proportion.

(Mainly because this happened mid-dreaming). Boston snuggled closer, and together we watched and listened to mother nature from under the mosquito net. It lasted over an hour and though it seemed like we would be carried away, all was well and I fell back asleep more sound than I have been in a while.

Awoke to the sounds of the forest and the ocean singing together. Stretched, greeted the glowing inside of the bamboo cabin with a sun salutation and kissed Boston. Opened my front door to gleaming Birds of Paradise plants, a yard of shiny green plants, and a beautiful grazing cow.
(Note: cows are generally NOT allowed on our property but it was so beautiful I let it be for the moment)

Left to walk down the mountain on the Neverland stone streets to yoga. Had a café negro before and enjoyed an amazing Monday session with Alex overlooking the waves and the morning sky (as Boston observed like always).

Went after yoga into town for some supplies and came back to the cabin. Baked fresh bread with dried oregano and listened to Slightly Stoopid.

Took a nap with the dogs with the cool late afternoon breeze and remembered for a moment how beautifully simple life can be. I am grateful to be here, to wake up to nature, to grow, to evolve, to adapt, to smile. 3 children came by looking for a large white cow, it was cute and funny.

Made veggie and rice soup to accompany my oregano bread and plan to enjoy my dinner, be thankful for everything, and fall asleep reading the current novel that has been passed on to my by fellow travelers. (ok right here is where I danced to Michael Franti like a gypsy, with the dogs and crickets as my audience)

Buenos noches dia uno. Onward to magical dreams and magical days.

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