“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

An excerpt from my daily journal: Today I am Thankful..

I am keeping a daily journal whilst living on the island of Puerto Galera in the Philippines for the month. It's quite personal hence I rarely share it on my blog. But today, I felt it was appropriate. :) This is my day so far, Thursday, February 11th, 2016

Day 11
Last night I slept very well. Had very real dreams of being in El Tunco, and seeing everyone I know in my life all at the same time. It was like guest star after guest star after guest star in my dreams. (Maybe I am missing everyone). Woke up @430 and thought 'wow no roosters during the night, this is a first.' and just as that thought scrolled across my mind, the rooster let me know he was still there, outside my window. :) Slept in a little, made some Jasmine green tea and skyped (which has become the best part of my mornings❤ ). I think I am sleeping better because of starting back up my yoga practice.. I know its only been a few days but things get moved around and energy sets in, blood flows faster and pains are leaving. So today I am THANKFUL.

I had some bananas, peanut butter, toast and coconut jam for brunch, got stuck watching a bit of 'Into the Wild,' then laid out in the brilliant sun listening to Jean Leloup and Grimes. Walked to the sea on the bed of tiny shining shells and stared into the wild.  Smiled and said aloud "I am thankful." 

Twirled around and around like a woodland fairy in my kitchen and laughed once I became dizzy. Cleaned the apartment and took a cold shower.

I have so many things I am thankful for.  For breath. For life. For music. For being. For the sea- it's strength, its life, its power, its magic. I am thankful to be alive, to be standing here looking at the ocean from my little place in the middle of the sea.  I am thankful for what has gotten me to where I am today. To the mistakes I have made, and the lessons I have learned. 

"I believe good gets better." -Into the Wild
"Life is so short it's barely a blink of an eye." -me

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