“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Friday, February 26, 2016

Be still and listen, the earth is singing.......The Philippines 2016

On December 8th, 2016 I began my second trip this year to South East Asia. Thailand was only the tip of the iceberg, and every single part of my being could sense it. Therefore when the opportunity arose again (weeks after returning) 'yes' was an easy answer.

Three months, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, and lastly the Philippines. There were more crazy moments than I can count, endless people I will remember and know for the rest of my life, realizations, 'awe' moments, epic landscapes and skies dripping with more glimmering stars than I have seen in my lifetime. I am truly blessed to be living, to have experienced all that I have seen and done on this adventure in my life journey, and wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

The last stop for me was the Philippines. There is so much to do on these islands..though I was not there to be much of an adventurer, but wanted to reflect. I wanted to reflect within myself, on where my life had lead me so far, on where I am now, and on where it may lead me in the future.

So, I rented a little apartment directly on the beach in Puerto Galera, Philippines and started my month of rest.

Its funny- you imagine yourself needing weeks of rest and recuperation after months of travel, yet by day 5 I found myself bored.

This is when we learn. This time when we think we need to go-go-go, we forget to stop and be still. Smell the roses, listen to the wind and the waves, smile in the sunlight, (and dance alone in your kitchen to french music).

My routine was simple. And exactly the same every day/week.

-Woke up to the Rooster (who typically began his beautiful-beautiful song at 3am)
-Made green tea and watched the sea
-Laid out on the balcony to the sounds of the sea and Jean Leloup, sometimes changing it up to Eddie Vedder or Grimes)
-Had a snack of p-nut butter on toast
-Cleaned up a bit (to which I danced to the music and the sounds of the island)
-Had a tomato and onion salad for lunch
-Laid out some more if the sun was still out
-Went for an afternoon walk around the mountain and bought some fresh veg that had come directly from the farm
-Yoga for an hour
-French lessons (audio) for at least 45 min
-Cooked dinner with beautiful vegetables
-Journal-ed a bit
-Went to sleep smiling with the waves as loud as loud speakers

The movie 'Ground Hog Day' came on the little TV that was in the apartment one rainy day and it made me think. We get ourselves stuck (in whatever way) in these routines-and this happens.  What is important is that we learn from the moments that seems so routine. We can look at somethings in our lives and see it and acknowledge it's presence for years, without truly seeing it for what it is.

This is what being in the Philippines taught me. We need to sometimes 'be still and listen, because the earth is singing.'

This beautiful little island which began as needed 'breather,' then quickly seemed to be a bore, blossomed for me into a magical little place. Where time stood still...where the waves are the soundtrack, the sea and the stars are the backdrop, the cool morning sea air breaths life upon all living things, and the smiles of the people are as beautiful as the best hug you can think of. This is life. It can be crazy, and it can be simple. What we need to remember is that things are not ever what they seem, if we allow ourselves time for the dust to fall and the earth to sing, we truly can realize how wonderful and magical life can be. How magical it already is.

"Be Still and Listen,
the Earth is Singing"

-xoxo Brooke

1 comment:

  1. I am from the Philippines, and I am happy that you had fun in my homeland. What you described is how I feel whenever I go home to visit my parents. Life there is simple and not so structured and time-centered. Life is definitely beautiful there.
