“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Harley through the mountains

Yesterday was beautiful.
Thanks to a friend living in Denver with a Harley I got to experience the mountains in a whole different way.

Found an easy route through Rocky Mountain National Park, ending in Estes Park, Colorado. Riding through Nederland and seeing the sparkling lake was breathtaking alone- and this was only 15 minutes into the ride... This time of year the leaves are turning colors (this is not like North Carolina pretty).  The trees were golden, shimmering like new copper pans mixed in with Christmas trees.  
So pretty it looks like liquid gold poured over the rocky mountain tops. People were stopped at every viewpoint trying to capture the awe of the scenery and mother nature's watercolor painting over the terrain.  I think I realized in these first few moments that this was the most beautiful ride through the country I've ever been on.  

We stopped in Estes Park and walked through the Autumn Gold Festival.  The people were lovely, dancing to the 70's music the band was playing, laughing, loving, enjoying the local brews, kettle corn, candied almonds and clean-crisp mountain air.  Sitting on the grass in the glowing sun I found myself jealous of these people.

Jellystone Park actually exists..
Left to head back to Boulder...passed Jellystone Park, stopped in Lyons, Colorado @Oskar Blues Brewery and grabbed a whiskey/ginger for the cold right home...

Spent most of the ride back up the canyon looking up..there is never a better sight than seeing the glittery stars without being filmed over by the country's pollution...

- Thanks again Darren for the stellar afternoon!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Colorado, the Mile High State

First trips to the dispensaries...

I've visited Cali, had the flowers over there, but unlike Colorado-its not exactly legal for recreational purposes.

My first full day in Colorado my mission was to experience this amazing sense of freedom.  We went to Terrapin Care Station dispensary.  Seemed more sterile than I had expected, you show your ID and take a ticket like waiting at the DMV... and then you are called into another room.  That room was the 'fun room.'  Candies, baked goods, a full flower menu, shatter, wax, even lip balm.  The taxes are where they get ya- @over20% for the excess taxes/city taxes/marijuana sales tax (good reference). Got some cinnamon hard candy- 10 pieces with 10mg THC a piece ($16).  Figured I had definitely overpaid but this was the experience I wanted.  Note: after 2-3 pieces you can not seem to put 3 words together (and don't try and have a conversation with your dad either it doesn't work).

On to my first SOLO trip.  I went to have some vegan Chinese food yesterday and was leafing through the Rooster magazine that is EVERYWHERE (the rooster.com) and found a dispensary near Pearl Street- Village Green Society.  Made it there via bus and was excited to see a quaint little house on  a corner.  So excited I tripped walking up and broke my sandal- broke it completely so much I had to pick it up and walk into the place holding my shoe.  The fumble was not unseen either.  Blushing I showed my ID and was called back to the 'fun room.'  Got the special 'Sour Kush' and had an awesome conversation with the guy working about the effects of Hemp Oil (which is completely legal and you can purchase it online-Dew Drops Hemp Oil).

Left with a smile, found a thrift shop and got some shoes.  Grabbed an iced green tea, took a bus up to the canyon, and enjoyed my purchase:)

It's that simple.


Thursday, September 18, 2014


There are black bears here.  They are buffet style feeding right now for winter.

There are black bears here.  Goodness.

How I found out exactly....

copy of a drawing in have by Chelsea Smith 'Artio'
Two days ago Boston and I were snuggled up watching episodes of Merlin and heard a huge bang towards the back porch (which is about a story up from the ground stretching to the creek).  He jumped, I jumped, and then there we heard a couple thuds on the ceiling.  It sounded like someone in the above floor possibly moving furniture- I knew that this was a duplex cabin setup so figured the other side had second story access.  Heard noises that sounded like a tin-can wind chime and jumped again. Turned on the lights, grabbed the fire stoker and braved to look out the huge kitchen window facing the porch/woods.  Nothing.

In the morning, after very little sleep,  I asked the lady staying next door about the previous night.  Turns out there is no second story.  That noise was the bear(s) jumping from the pines to the roof to the porch, and she saw them early in the morning when she was out for a smoke. At least it wasn't a creepy mountain man.

Last night it happened again, slowly I am getting braver- as in holding a broom in one hand and a fire stoker in the other and banging on the window and door to the porch.

One love definitely especially for the animals, and this really isn't that scary..but the moment the door knob turns...Goodness.

Welcome to the mountains.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Cinnamon air and a hike to Boulder Falls

There is a song about Cali that says "where the good things are free and everybody's smiling.." I believe it more pertains to the canyons of the Rockies.  Everyone drives a Subaru, smiles and gives Peace signs as they drive by.

Woke up refreshed after a recovery day to Mountain Huckleberry tea and hot oatmeal with walnuts.  Note to self- no matter if you are in the Rocky Mountains with chilly nights, noon is never a great time (heat wise) to begin a hike.

I remember always passing this waterfall section of route 119 when driving up to Nederland.  Decided to find it on foot.

This place is definitely a great and easy place to hitchhike but that would defeat the purpose of the walk:) -which was longer than expected, a few miles up the mountain, but with fresh mountain air that smelled like cinnamon and butterflies everywhere...and the falls, it was absolutely worth it.

Had a breather at the falls, some water and a banana, then made it back to the cabin. Because Boston now believes he is a mountain dog, we go down to the river daily so he can explore...did the daily exploring...taking a long shower, listening to Michael Franti, and enjoying just being.  Happy Wednesday.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Day one of many hiking days...

 Chatauqua Trailhead, Boulder, CO

Took a great hike (minus the getting lost several times) on one of the 155+ miles of hiking trails in/near Boulder.  Opted to bring Boston, and opted for the 4.2 mile trail= at least 6miles after getting lost + an 8 pound weight (Boston). Strolled, climbed, and hiked (with heads in the clouds*) this magical place.  Apple trees and raspberries glittered the trails...

Bees everywhere- wonderful:)
mariposa bonita- pic taken by a friend

Sat on these rocks that were formed into chairs and couches @ a place dubbed Rock Quarry

Saw views like this on every turn

Had a great day hiking, then some amazing food @Shine, got some Rocky Mountain Huckleberry black tea @Ku Cha House of Tea....and am about call it a day, all to do it again tomorrow..another day, another hike, another adventure.
(So he thinks he is a mountain climber....but has been passed out cold since we got home....)

Road Trippin week one

If you have ever been to Boulder you know Pearl Street. Its interactive, lovely, musical, colorful- with the most friendliest people and a vegan shop on every corner (perfect).  


Visited a little town that gets some of the most snow in the whole state- Nederland. Small mining community with a beautiful lake and quaint shops.


Trip to Avery Brewing Company...

great local brewery, fantastic people working there, almost all the beers are Vegan friendly and are crazy good, had a fun afternoon before spending the night in downtown Denver.


Afternoon road trip to Breckenridge...

Twas a long day after a long night but totally worth it.  Drove through the mountains to Breckenridge.  Carved through the mountains are old mining towns, ridiculous scenery, and oddly enough- casinos...

Made it up pretty high- could see the snow caps and almost could touch the clouds...

Ended in Breckenridge and walked a short bit, turned around and drove the several hours back- because the drive is the reason for the trip:)