“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Harley through the mountains

Yesterday was beautiful.
Thanks to a friend living in Denver with a Harley I got to experience the mountains in a whole different way.

Found an easy route through Rocky Mountain National Park, ending in Estes Park, Colorado. Riding through Nederland and seeing the sparkling lake was breathtaking alone- and this was only 15 minutes into the ride... This time of year the leaves are turning colors (this is not like North Carolina pretty).  The trees were golden, shimmering like new copper pans mixed in with Christmas trees.  
So pretty it looks like liquid gold poured over the rocky mountain tops. People were stopped at every viewpoint trying to capture the awe of the scenery and mother nature's watercolor painting over the terrain.  I think I realized in these first few moments that this was the most beautiful ride through the country I've ever been on.  

We stopped in Estes Park and walked through the Autumn Gold Festival.  The people were lovely, dancing to the 70's music the band was playing, laughing, loving, enjoying the local brews, kettle corn, candied almonds and clean-crisp mountain air.  Sitting on the grass in the glowing sun I found myself jealous of these people.

Jellystone Park actually exists..
Left to head back to Boulder...passed Jellystone Park, stopped in Lyons, Colorado @Oskar Blues Brewery and grabbed a whiskey/ginger for the cold right home...

Spent most of the ride back up the canyon looking up..there is never a better sight than seeing the glittery stars without being filmed over by the country's pollution...

- Thanks again Darren for the stellar afternoon!

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