“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Friday, September 19, 2014

Colorado, the Mile High State

First trips to the dispensaries...

I've visited Cali, had the flowers over there, but unlike Colorado-its not exactly legal for recreational purposes.

My first full day in Colorado my mission was to experience this amazing sense of freedom.  We went to Terrapin Care Station dispensary.  Seemed more sterile than I had expected, you show your ID and take a ticket like waiting at the DMV... and then you are called into another room.  That room was the 'fun room.'  Candies, baked goods, a full flower menu, shatter, wax, even lip balm.  The taxes are where they get ya- @over20% for the excess taxes/city taxes/marijuana sales tax (good reference). Got some cinnamon hard candy- 10 pieces with 10mg THC a piece ($16).  Figured I had definitely overpaid but this was the experience I wanted.  Note: after 2-3 pieces you can not seem to put 3 words together (and don't try and have a conversation with your dad either it doesn't work).

On to my first SOLO trip.  I went to have some vegan Chinese food yesterday and was leafing through the Rooster magazine that is EVERYWHERE (the rooster.com) and found a dispensary near Pearl Street- Village Green Society.  Made it there via bus and was excited to see a quaint little house on  a corner.  So excited I tripped walking up and broke my sandal- broke it completely so much I had to pick it up and walk into the place holding my shoe.  The fumble was not unseen either.  Blushing I showed my ID and was called back to the 'fun room.'  Got the special 'Sour Kush' and had an awesome conversation with the guy working about the effects of Hemp Oil (which is completely legal and you can purchase it online-Dew Drops Hemp Oil).

Left with a smile, found a thrift shop and got some shoes.  Grabbed an iced green tea, took a bus up to the canyon, and enjoyed my purchase:)

It's that simple.


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