“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Courage to grow

Find the courage to grow.

So many times we feel comfortable in our ways/routines. "Comfort is a luxury." I guess- when it's raining and you have a nice couch, Thai food, bottle of wine, and movies- that might make sense.

Are you just existing, on a plane of finding that ultimate comfort, not growing as an individual because of the fear of failure, the unknown, change. Are we not here to grow both spiritually, and mentally- to evolve. Being stagnant is not a growth process, it is lack thereof.

Quoting from James Redfield's 'The Tenth Insight,' "Humanity's long history would be move by these two conflicting urges. On the one hand, we would be moved past out fears by the strength of out intuitions, by out mental images that life was about accomplishing some particular goal, of moving culture forward in a positive direction that only we, as individuals, acting with courage and wisdom, could inspire. From the strength of these feelings we would be reminded that, as insecure as life appeared, we were, in fact not alone, that there was a purpose and meaning underlying the mystery of existence.
      Yet, on the other had, we would often fall prey to the opposite urge, the urge to protect ourselves from the Fear, at times losing sight of the purpose, falling into the angst of separation and abandonment. This Fear would lead  us into a frightened self-protection, fighting to retain our positions of power, stealing energy from each other, and always resisting change and evolution, regardless of what new, better information might be available."

Nourishing food for thought.
Have an amazing, interesting, thoughtful, beautiful, creative, growing day.

Reference: http://www.celestinevision.com

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

My kind of 'humpday'

It's Wednesday @ 11am.  Woke up early and went to yoga in playa El Zonte.  Ace of Base was playing as the local bus swirled through the mountains- the left side of the old blue birds' windows were filled with views that looked like Microsoft Windows beach wallpaper.

After almost 2 hours of  most needed yoga to the soundtrack and view of waves crashing on the shore, I walked through dirt roads and flowers to the magical property where they are currently building the bathroom and setting up the wood for the door frame. Planted 2 avocado seeds towards the edge of the (will be) garden and am waiting on the boys to bring new green bamboo. Then back to the house for avocados and tomatoes with fire roasted black beans and cilantro.

So far Wednesday has been perfect. Without a doubt beats a camel walking through a sterile office yelling 'what day is it.'

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

"Knock on wood"

My new magical mermaid of a friend told me the story the other day over some cheap Chilean wine of 'knocking on wood.'

It is the magic of the elves (who live in the trees) to grant your wish.  And as you are saying something you wish NOT to become true, you are supposed to knock on the tree as to muffle the wish you are speaking and therefore steer clear of the elves granting what you had just said. 

I always knock on wood, believe in magic, watch for shooting stars, make wishes, and believe in true love.  I thank the stars for my experiences, am grateful for unbelievable people in my life, look at the beauty in all things, and remember to give more than I receive. 

Just thought I'd share the true meaning, which makes a heck of a lot of sense.:)

Note: its not knocking before or after, but during. 
Note #2: "If you don't believe in magic or mystery you might as well be dead."- Albert Einstein

Sunday, April 5, 2015

light & energy

Last night was a total lunar eclipse- or blood moon.  I could feel my energy today. Despite the sinus infection I had woken up with the morning before and the ridiculously hot nights (combined with a very bad fan) I woke up feeling happy and light. Literally I felt like my body weight was not strained in any way and my existence brought about joy in itself. Can not remember my dreams though I valiantly try every morning lately it seems. My days this week have been spent resting- allowing my body to do as it pleases and relax and I have been running daily, further and further each day with more and more ease.

Went to la playa @2pm and began reading James Redfield's, 'The Thenth Insight.' As I was walking there every gaze I met with another was nothing but light and happy- just like the way I felt when I woke up. Almost bubbles of joy in an overflowing cup. The energy was moving around the streets and things that I never really notice, even people, just came into focus on that walk.

Countless people stopped by where I was on the beach and had conversations. One older man stood with me watching the tide. Anther group of overly-partied boys stumbling on the Neverland rocks ended sitting and conversing with me over Paulo Coelho. A guy in his 40s just started helping me move rocks to make a place to lay down, we did this in absolute silence (except for me continually saying gracias and smiling) for about 8 minutes until I had a plot of land nicer than what I deserved for a simple beach nap. A radio station manager asked me for an interview and we ended up laughing about subjects completely off hand.  In each of the people I met at the beach  I could see something in them that seemed to glow. Despite the situation, the inner self seemed to almost share energy with me, or maybe it was mine that could now feel the presence of theirs. Either way I feel richer and filled with love.

Dipped in the sea and pretended to be a mermaid...almost floated back to my room..and my skin has yet to cease smiling.

Back for some writing, veg soup, an hour of Spanish class, a good run, and a magical night. 

Happy Easter

planting good seeds

An excerpt from 'How Yoga Works,' by Geshe Roach & Christie McNally.

"You see, in the old days- even before paper- people who wanted to learn to keep these different forms of self-control on a very fine level would go out say to the bank of a river and collect a good-sized handful of smooth pebbles. Half the pebbles would be white, and help would be black. Just little pebbles, you see-about the size of a pea.

They'd keep these pebbles say in a little bag, and they'd keep that and another, smaller pouch with them all day. And then if they caught themselves telling even a small lie or something like that they'd right away reach in and take a black pebble out of the bigger bag and put it in the little pouch.

If on the other hand, they did something to protect life, say-maybe showed someone how to do a yoga pose- or anything else that was good, well then they'd stop and put a white pebble in with the black one. And then at the end of the day they'd empty out the little pouch, count the white and black pebbles, and see if they'd taken a step ahead or a step back in trying to fill their minds with good seeds."