“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Courage to grow

Find the courage to grow.

So many times we feel comfortable in our ways/routines. "Comfort is a luxury." I guess- when it's raining and you have a nice couch, Thai food, bottle of wine, and movies- that might make sense.

Are you just existing, on a plane of finding that ultimate comfort, not growing as an individual because of the fear of failure, the unknown, change. Are we not here to grow both spiritually, and mentally- to evolve. Being stagnant is not a growth process, it is lack thereof.

Quoting from James Redfield's 'The Tenth Insight,' "Humanity's long history would be move by these two conflicting urges. On the one hand, we would be moved past out fears by the strength of out intuitions, by out mental images that life was about accomplishing some particular goal, of moving culture forward in a positive direction that only we, as individuals, acting with courage and wisdom, could inspire. From the strength of these feelings we would be reminded that, as insecure as life appeared, we were, in fact not alone, that there was a purpose and meaning underlying the mystery of existence.
      Yet, on the other had, we would often fall prey to the opposite urge, the urge to protect ourselves from the Fear, at times losing sight of the purpose, falling into the angst of separation and abandonment. This Fear would lead  us into a frightened self-protection, fighting to retain our positions of power, stealing energy from each other, and always resisting change and evolution, regardless of what new, better information might be available."

Nourishing food for thought.
Have an amazing, interesting, thoughtful, beautiful, creative, growing day.

Reference: http://www.celestinevision.com

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