“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Escape dia 5: Recap

Escape dia 5: Recap

Woke up early and walked the beach. The beach here is different from where we live a few hours North..no rocks, almost endless...misty and dreamlike. Went to yoga @8 and completely let myself dissolve into the practice. Was an amazing (sweaty) class to the sound of the waves crashing as the tide was coming in.  Went and checked out and am awaiting my shuttle back home.  As I am sitting here by the ocean- with the strong breeze blowing by, drinking through a straw from the largest coconut I have ever seen-.

I am reflecting back on how my week has been. I came here to clear my head and detox both my body and mind. This has happened. I feel stronger, healthier, happier, and clear minded.  I have met some amazing people and am reminded of the simple things in life. Breathing, smiling, living, learning, spending time with happy, like-minded people, eating natural healthy food, and feeling the energy of mother earth. 

If you feel like you life has become too overwhelming, no matter where you may be in this wondrous world, take the time for your body and mind to get back to nature. Find yourself again, find what makes you feel alive, what makes you smile uncontrollable, and what gives you a purpose for living. I highly recommend it. Seize your life.


Thursday, July 23, 2015

Escape die 4: Power to the Peaceful

Thursday. Some thoughts...

"Violence brings one thing, more and more of the same"
"We can bomb the world to pieces, but we can't bomb it into peace."-Michael Franti

Beyond truth, how skewed are the majority. imagine peace and love and kindness being the number one goal in life, just imagine energy of light and love propelling everyone towards truth and greater good. I think its crazy that those who are striving towards this truth, are disregarded as crazy, hippies, absent minded, wishful-thinking fools. Disillusioned gypsies, flower children, living in the past.

Defensiveness is beyond sad. Someone is defensive either from guilt, anger, hatred, negativity, standing to cover up someone or something. Red lights go off and I wish only for grace as I approach this attitude. What can us 'wishful thinkers' do? The only thing I know to do is live in the light. To carry kindness on the wings of humility and sincerity. WISHING for others to REALIZE TRUTH and LOVE. 

Gracefully I accept being a crazy vegan hippie, because by not exhausting myself in defensiveness, I can give more love and spread light.

Power to the peaceful

Escape dia 3: Roll the dice

Wednesday. Last night I had a continuous dream of being lost, and not able to find my way back (to this house)..I kept asking for directions from those passing by on the streets, and they gave me direction but it was always wrong, not with ill intent but their directions were always off by several streets. I remember in the midst of walking these neighborhoods, walking up to what seemed to be a arty in the front yard of a house, behind the white picket fence...it turned out to be couples getting married, left and right, excited and giggling. I continued to find my way back. I then found myself in a fancy office park, and went into one of the tall shiny buildings to ask a group of corporate looking, "smart" looking people for directions back to the place I was supposed to be. they gave me directions as well-but they were wrong and I got my even more off track than I was before, and even further out from the location lost than when I had asked for help from one of the people who I had encountered passing by in the streets. I don't know how I eventually made it back but I remember being frustrated beyond tears and anger. I had told people I would be back and all the while I was trying as hard as I could, and being nothing shy of frustrated to tears, I was still disappointing them by not being there like I had said I would.  When back I walked up to this house, and found myself saying 'goodbyes' to a couple. The girl was shallow and was speaking about her material things, the guy gave me an awkward hug and said to not let 'things like that occur again.' Then I turned uncomfortably away and awoke from my dream.

As I am midway through this week of detox, again for both my body and mind, I find this dream scary and abrupt. I could not figure out the route back, and no matter who I asked, even though they had answers and told me directions, they did not seem to help either. Some points in my life I feel like i just want to get a set of dice and write options on either side, and then roll the dice and see what happens. It must be simple for those that have a planned out future, those who get direction and it works/makes sense/gets them to where they should be. I believe life is more challenging for those who wander. Agreed- 'not all those who wander are lost,' but that does not mean at times they are not frustrated for proper direction.

So continues my personal search and life journey, towards happiness, fulfillment, and success- whatever that means. Maybe I'll roll the dice and let fate decide.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Escape dia 2: Trying not to make plans...

Tuesday morning, woke up with the roosters and took a walk around to stretch before morning yoga. Went to yoga at 8am- super sore from yesterdays' classes but I am here to detox not just my mind but my body:) Grabbed a lemongrass tea after and am relaxing in the hammock...plan for the day so far, which I am trying NOT TO MAKE PLANS, is to walk down the beach until I reach Cuco for lunch.  And yoga at 4, then pasta night here after the sun sets.

My life has been busy with plans, I am obsessed with my planner, even living in Central America- I like lists, like to cross off tasks, check boxes. But I am slowly coming to the realization that it may also be my downfall. I consume myself with filling up my life and have thought that life is not only what you make it, but its that which you accomplish..hence the lists and plans.

I need to stop. I need to breathe, take faith in myself that what is supposed to happen next, will come, then breathe again. Funny thing is that I write down 'breathe' in my planner, almost every day- yet it's just pen on paper, not actions. Words are important, but actions truly do speak louder. Live and learn. Breathe and change. Thoughts for the day, actions for life.
playa El Cuco, El Salvador

Monday, July 20, 2015

Escape dia 1: Yoga & Sea turtles

It's Monday. The future truly is brighter. Woke up here @ Tortuga Verde (located in playa Cuco, El Salvador) after a perfect nights sleep to the soundtrack of the rain.

Stretched and took a walk around the beautiful grounds here. This place is a beach resort/turtle sanctuary/escape. Even in paradise you need a breather every once in a while.

Went to (free) yoga by the surf @8, and as we were finishing, baby sea turtles hatched and surfaced in the sanctuary.

There were about 15 or so of them and they were black, with large heads and the most amazing leathery legs..arms (if that is what you call them) built as sails for the water and as energetic as ever.
 I was able to release a baby sea turtle into the ocean!!! Still not believing what just happened.

Grabbed a cafe with soymilk and a vegan ginger/carrot cookie for breakfast.  What a way to start a new week. Got invited to surf the break...only other plan is the beach with my main man (Boston) & yoga at 4 :)

With kindness as my gift to the world, a bag, and Boston by my side-I am stoked about beginning again- whatever that may mean or entail. Namaste and make today amazing.  Power of positive thinking!