“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Escape dia 2: Trying not to make plans...

Tuesday morning, woke up with the roosters and took a walk around to stretch before morning yoga. Went to yoga at 8am- super sore from yesterdays' classes but I am here to detox not just my mind but my body:) Grabbed a lemongrass tea after and am relaxing in the hammock...plan for the day so far, which I am trying NOT TO MAKE PLANS, is to walk down the beach until I reach Cuco for lunch.  And yoga at 4, then pasta night here after the sun sets.

My life has been busy with plans, I am obsessed with my planner, even living in Central America- I like lists, like to cross off tasks, check boxes. But I am slowly coming to the realization that it may also be my downfall. I consume myself with filling up my life and have thought that life is not only what you make it, but its that which you accomplish..hence the lists and plans.

I need to stop. I need to breathe, take faith in myself that what is supposed to happen next, will come, then breathe again. Funny thing is that I write down 'breathe' in my planner, almost every day- yet it's just pen on paper, not actions. Words are important, but actions truly do speak louder. Live and learn. Breathe and change. Thoughts for the day, actions for life.
playa El Cuco, El Salvador

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