“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Friday, September 14, 2012

Living in Jurassic Park

This is not only San Juan del Sur, but if you look around, it's Jurassic Park.  Every day when we go to sunset  (Boston and myself) we sit in the exact same spot; there's a super tall palm tree to put my back against, a small patch of grass for Boston to nestle in, and view you can only experience if you were to teleport here for sunsets.  
Before the sand touches the sea in front, each sunset people are playing volleyball and there's a soccer match that is played by what seems to be at least 25 people.  Wouldn't trade this time for any time at the moment.  I always bring a book, sometimes a cerveza, and attempt to read but always am swept away by a combination of the sights, sounds, experience, and reality.  
I was laying out with a friend the other day and looking up at the clouds when I brought up the fact that I think the birds acrobating above looked just like pterodactyls .  She said they they in fact were.  That was the end of the conversation.  We went back to tanning.  I try every day to capture a picture of these pterodactyls at sunset, one day I hope to be successful.  This land is like make believe. 
I remember when I was traveling before, though it wasn't nearly for long enough as those I met had been at it, speaking to someone about how much of an experience I was having living and smiling and soaking it all it, and they said to me, "Have fun, just remember you have to come back to reality sometime."  My responds forever will be 'why?'  

You can live out your fantasy today, and your dreams don't have be kept in a secret room in your head only to be entered in sleep hours- but they can be outside your door...or even at a beach with your back to a palm, a sunset only magic can make, and pterodactyls circling above.
♥ Brooke y Boston

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