So i am thinking that this week might be the one where I begin my blog. It is Sunday, September 9, 2012 and we just got news that about 51 kil north of Managua (Nicaragua's capital) San Cristobal volcano erupted causing over 3000 people to be forced into evacuation. (San Cristobal volcano) The pictures on Google are cool but its kind of freaky considering the week we have been having. Lets see,...I woke up this past Wednesday morning my first earthquake(7.6 magnitude earthquake)- my entire little apartment shaking, as if I were awaking in the galley of an old ship during a storm. My dog was freaking out and I just couldn't wake enough to quickly figure out what was happening, when the tv-which is mounted to my wall began violently swaying I figured it was a bit more serious then the one people were speaking of in town that happened a country away a week or so ago. But I guess I was just exhausted from staying up on Photoshop the night before that I went back to sleep. That was around 8:30 am. I awoke to several messages from my dad about an hour later with lingo such as, "CALL ME ASAP," and, "TSUNAMI WARNING GET TO HIGH GROUND."(Tsunami warning) My friend called me right then and said that they were getting coffee at a cafe in town right in the heart of the taxi's hangout so if there was a need to flee at least they could jump in a cab.
I remember being a little kid and going through the 'what to do if there's a fire' scenarios, and what to grab quickly, where to meet if we get separated, but its hits home, no pun intended, when you look out your window and see people, some that you know, running away from the ocean and looking back, then forward, all the while yelling on their cell phones. That's we the flight motion kicked my butt. I grabbed my storm proof quicksilver backpack, a bathing suit, toothbrush, poncho, passport, small bag of food for Boston, chap stick, whatever electronics I could quickly find, filled up 2 bottles of water, and I think that's it. Funny thing is I put my suitcase and whatever was on the floor of my apartment on my bed, as if a tsunami would only be inches deep. Ran down the street with Boston to Barrio cafe. Joined friends and we began walking up towards the mountain directly behind town, there is a swanky resort called Pelican Eyes; hoped in someones SUV and ride up the the resort pool. There we sat, a bunch of backpackers, tourists, and locals, watching a beautiful beach, awaiting a tsunami.
Nothing happened, we overpaid for some beers and eventually headed back down to town. A few hours later town was back to normal. So in the course of 5 days I have been involved/around 3 natural disasters, cross those off my list. :)

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