“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Vacation away from my Vacation, Dia 2


It's 520 and I got a knock on my door @440...was sleeping so well...boarded the bus and we're on our way...

"Daily horoscope: Just be who you are and continue to prove that you are responsible; Actions speak louder that words"

827 am.   Went through the Guatemalan border, beautiful stamp...this bus is so cold you can write messages in your breath on the window...Bought 3 pupusas (my favorite food right now) for $1, stoked.

I just finished reading, 'Water for Chocolate' by Laura Esquivel, and though the recipes and home remedies throughout the book were interesting- I'm not one for such tragedy-even with love stories.  I'd rather escape in my thoughts to science fiction, or dragons, or magic.

-The bus window is warm to the touch and the sky is as blue as a robins egg.  The mountains look as green as fresh cut grass in the morning- we are driving through beautiful Guatemala :)
It is as though the city is in a valley surrounded by volcanoes...

Ah I just saw an IHOP.

Note: the currency here in Guatemala is quetzal

Arrived to Guatemala City, had a nice woman pick me up and drive me to the hostel.  Quetzalroo.

Ok so its 1306, I walked to the mall (in Guatemala City), and I am shocked at how this mall trumps any mall I have seen in the US.  I live in Nicaragua and currently feel like a hobo.  Stores that are the most expensive in the world must be here.  People are walking around in designer outfits, pouring wine at tables in the food court, each food stop in the food court has its own individual wifi connections, I just feel uncomfortable.  Even the cleaning ladies were re-applying makeup in the futuristic bathrooms.  I got miso soup for $3 and think I will stick with street food/local food from now on.  My hostel, Quetzalroo is nice, but too pricey for me- maybe stay 1 night, find the  market myself, take a hot shower, have a beer, and head to Antigua and on to El Salvador.  Whatever makes me happy- but this mall is the epitome of why I live in simple Nicaragua.

Ok, its after 6.  There was no sunset here like in Nicaragua.  The second I left the fancy mall I caught a cab and went to the Historic market.  There was a square where they had set up ice skating, rides, etc; surrounding the square was a palace, an enormous church, and the market.  I got some pictures...children were chasing pigeons and the streets were packed.  

The market was filled with street vendors selling everything from street food to mice to clothing.  There were layers of markets too- the slightly underground one was the most colorful.  I took soo many pictures, bought some gifts...had a churro thing, and fruit with ice and syrup...spent about 4 hours there just getting lost on purpose.

Cabbed it back.  Had a difficult time with a man at a tienda and my attempt in buying soup...350 doesn't mean three hundred and fifty, it means 3.50...don't want to re-live this lower level of brain again... Anyways, having soup and bread with water, catching up on my journal, going to edit my photos, start a new book, and pass out.  PS, I got to take a hot shower.

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