“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Friday, December 14, 2012

Vacation from my Vacation, Dia 4


En route to El Tunco, too. many. cervesas. last night...oooooooccccccccchhhhhhhhh

We are just leaving town- I swear I just saw someone buy goldfish from a man on a curb with a bucket.  I have 11.5 quin left- someone said that the border was $6.  So I should be fine.  Last night I went w/my three  room-mates to "Cafe No Se"...I now am the biggest fan of Serge Gainsbourg...and it was awesome.

view of the volcano just outside Antigua

1118, la frontera...this drive has been absolutely miserable for me...my head is spinning and the driver of the van keeps telling me to put rubbing alcohol on my head and stomach ..right...I just want a bed and pupusas- and Tylenol.

-The trees here at the El Salvador border look as if the roots were the branches, as if they are growing backwards...

I had to ask the cab driver to pull over at one point in El Salvador because the winding roads through the hills + the driver's speed + my stomach + the back seat of a van, I just couldn't take it.  Got sick, stomach is better but migraine is in full throttle.  We arrived to El Tunco at sometime in the afternoon, I think around 2 or 3.  All the hostels were full and I was feeling like death so I just walked into this one with music notes on the gate- that's all I can remember, $15 a night for a private bungalow but at that point I could care less...

-It's actually really nice...put my stuff down, went around the corner, got pupusas to go, came back, barely ate one, and went to sleep.

La Guitarra, the place I ended up for the night

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