“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Breathing in happiness, Day 2

Day 2

Recap from our rainy Monday:

Coffee and Guitar music.
Snuggling to the rain. 
Kombucha and a mid day stroll to find a swing next to the rushing creek. 
Finding the perfect hammock spot. 
Drawing a hot bath and making hot tea.
Having best snuggle with Atlas to date.
Not being able to close my eyes laying in bed because of how beautiful the moonlight is on the mountains ♡

yesterday was magic, even in the midst of on and off rain

Today we awoke to this:

 We took a morning stroll through the forest next to the creek. Atlas is curious, and goofy and smiling...so I can assume he is in as much as I am with Mother Nature.

Hiked up the side of the mountain with my morning cup of coffee and breathed in happiness.

Drove down to town and took a morning yoga class, where the local gossip included 8 new baby goats being born and the possibility of snow this Thursday. Had a cup of local coffee as I browsed the used book stores and vintage shops. Shook hands with more people than I can remember and was welcomed with warmth, sincerity, and smiles. 

Came home with energy and happiness to welcome on the rest of the day. 

Cheers to day 2

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