“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Friday, April 7, 2017

Days 4 & 5

It's 40 degrees. It's 9am, I have already shared coffee with the propane guy, made a fire, and caught up with an old friend. The upset feeling from waking up early by Atlas and the propane guy lasted 1.5 seconds once I saw the sun's golden blanket drips the mountains outside my window. I would much rather experience dreaming with my eyes wide open.

These last 2 days have been a long cold breath of laziness and smiles. The rain has soaked the mountainside..so I've been foraging for mushrooms, to which I have found several kinds already. Went into town for yoga, ordered a used book from the little book store up the hill in downtown Sylva, met a cat, danced to 'Smokey Mountain Rain' by Ronnie Milsaps possibly more than once, made stellar vegan 'clam chowder,' and have now acquired so many 'epic' hikes around the area I have a list I am nervous I will never get to actually finish. It's like having eyes bigger than your stomach..or like putting too much of a good thing on your plate at Thanksgiving. Where everything looks absolutely amazing and its all right there in front of you. So you obviously get a little of everything -because there are times in life-where we just can't make a decision.

 Country music with the fire this morning and writing about Thanksgiving has inspired the making of vegan biscuits and 'sausage gravy.' Post morning hike reward  Couldn't be happier.

                                                                      Life is what you make it and "You are what you believe yourself to be," Paulo Coelho 
(& tattooed on my right arm). 

Cheers to week 1 in the magical smokies xx

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