“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Saturday, November 24, 2012

I got a little bit of the "itch"

5 Countries in 7 days (technically 3 days, and including Costa and Nicaragua)

Totally embarking on a mini solo adventure.  I mentioned earlier in my blog about wanting to travel up to Guatemala City, down the coast of El Salvador, and through Honduras, doing it- leave Monday morning on a bus from town at 5 am.  Sometimes you need to give yourself a breather, yea I will be going through borders, and traveling quite a lot, but the escape, the adventure, the new people, everything will be worth it.

The great thing about this trip (and to be honest the past day or so) is that I've felt inspired to write in my journals and my blog. I am excited to clear my mind and write about the coming week.

Quoting a great friend a second after I expressed this to him, "ah you got the itch, now you gotta scratch it"-Jason O.

“It seemed an advantage to be traveling alone. Our responses to the world are crucially molded by the company we keep, for we temper our curiosity to fit in with the expectations of others...Being closely observed by a companion can also inhibit our observation of others; then, too, we may become caught up in adjusting ourselves to the companion's questions and remarks, or feel the need to make ourselves seem more normal than is good for our curiosity.” 

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