“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thought backwards 0001

You know when all of a sudden you say to yourself, "how did I/we even end up talking about this?"  Or thinking a certain thought.  Then you trace it back to the original thought and then 'Ah ha'.  Not necessarily a "eureka moment" but it makes since, for the most part.  I always liked doing that, since I can remember.  So lately I decided to write down trains of thought, so I could at the end read the track my crazy mind may have took.  Here is one of the first entries:

new thought

  • They don't teach cursive anymore in school?
  • That's crazy.
  • I wonder what they taught in school 50 years before I went- that they decided was antiquated for us?
  • Where did all the floppy disks go?
  • Are people who put salt on their watermelon weird?
  • Boston ate his first piece of watermelon the other day, and he's eating veggies now too...success.
  • Haven't had a picnic in forever.
  • Do carpenter ants bite?
  • What do they make with Hibiscus petals?
  • I might be giving the future too much credit.
  • I prefer the 60's version of deep space and the future.
  • Always end your "Around the World" experience at Epcot in Mexico.
  • I still want to go to Mexico, mainly to bungee jump from a higher crane than my father did, and for the cheap Coronas.
  • Are Coronas really super cheap in Mexico?
  • My absolute favorite Mexican dish is Chili Rellenos.  Which is difficult to make vegan.
  • The word difficult is tough to write in cursive,
end of thought

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