“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Jengibre & Shopping on a chichen bus

 Wednesday of this past week was exciting, for it was a day planned for thrift shopping (specifically the most vintage clothes and craziest pieces we can find).  The morning began with the "chin chin" guy passing by downstairs from the balcony at the place I am currently residing.  All I know is that he yells, "chin chin" or something in that fashion up and down the streets.  I had never tried this before, so we got 2 of each.  The beige one taste like straight ginger its crazy, almost burns your tongue  and the pink one, just not my style.

Definition: Chicha de maíz and de jengibre (fermented corn or ginger drink)

Anyways, I met up with my friend Rachel and we "collectivo-ed" it to Rivas.

Spent the afternoon mostly at one gigantic thrift store, scored tons of cool stuff :)  Vintage kimono lounge robe for 75 cords ($3 and some change), some vintage tee-s and a baby doll dress.  Pretty much a one stop-shop.  There were so many American tee-s I had to take a picture. 

But the greatest part of the day was when we sat down on the chicken bus to come back to San Juan del Sur.  Rachel said that this was the place to find the cheapest deals- the bus.  And it was hysterical.  
We must have sat down super early on the bus because it was like an hour that went by and everything from fried food, to stickers, to toilet paper, and ears of hot corn were being sold by vendors walking down the isle of this super hot, graffitied, 70's bluebird style, old American school bus.  See pictures.  It truly was the best deals in town ... 

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