“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day trip to the Waterfall, El Tunco

*excerpt from my journal

Yesterday was amazing. It was Thursday. Ok so the early morning blew but once I jumped in the bed of the pickup truck stocked full of people headed to the waterfalls, I was good.  The ride was about 30-40 minutes, but who cares when the wind is in your face and everyone is laughing squished up with people from countries around the world.

The hike was down the mountain (meaning the way back was going to be brutal)...we got to the falls, which were stacked as in-you jump in one and swim to the other then jump into that one, and so on.When you get to the highest one...either you jump or you watch (its scary high).  I jumped.  T'was completely worth is...you have to actually scoot out to this rock ledge, covered in green slippery algae all the while you and the ledge are covered by gushing water, and then jump- you have to jump directly into the waterfall (not sure why but its like important)...my feet actually touched which is scary.  There is video floating around of this I need to find it.  Everyone hiked down further to other falls, down crazy trails where you are slipping and falling no matter your experience level.

Needless to say I am pretty sore at this moment, the hike uphill was indeed brutal- did a lot of bear like crawling, lol.  Our group went and had $.50 rice pupusas at a local woman's house after.  There were puppies and a lovely garden in her house with orange trees and a large picnic table.  We played with the puppies and knocked down oranges from the tree to eat on until our pupusas.  An amazing ending to the day :)

Not so much a life on the fast track..

I found this journal entry from I believe the 2nd week of living in El Tunco. 
*Excerpt from journal

-At 28 I thought I would be on the fast track...job...getting married...owning a home...instead I am living in a bungalow in a small beach town in El Salvador which barely is visible on google maps, getting totally excited about a hand made bookcase from my cuidador and using cinder blocks and scrap wood as my nightstand, having fresh ginger in my camomile tea each morning, snacking on cantaloupe and watermelon smoothies daily, getting lost in a book for hours on end, still taking Boston to sunsets, eating dinner outside under a sea of glittery stars, falling asleep to the sounds of owls, and then waking up to roosters...life is crazy, sometimes unexpected, and someone once said, "Life happens when you're busy making plans. (John Lennon)

Ah the move to El Salvador

*all excerpts from my journal

Living in playa El Tunco now, decided to move Boston and myself here...its a long story.  Arrived here this past Sunday and the travel wasn't fun, to say the least...here is a recap:

last sunset and dinner in SJDS
-My plane from Florida to Nica was cancelled (found this out at the ticket counter,) so Spirit Airlines put me in a hotel- which I found out to be overbooked once I arrived, luckily I had a good friend in the area to house me for the night.  Flew out Friday and arrived to San Juan del Sur @230 in the afternoon.  (Stayed the night and attempted to sleep knowing that I was to catch the 5am bus to Managua.)

-I got up at 315 thinking it was 415 because of my Android being still set to Florida time...no wonder there were still people getting food at Taco Spot as I strolled by with my 'one man band.'  A British guy offered me hot tea, and I took him up on the offer being that it was 330 am and from his porch was a direct view of the bus corner....

-I am sitting on the corner with Boston, my Quicksilver book bag, and my suitcase = my whole life.  The British man who gave me tea is traveling from Alaska to South America on a motorbike- he said I had b*lls, but all I feel is anxiety and stress about today and all the traveling.
-Just got to Managua and dropped off my suitcase with Ticabus (for safe travel- which is a whole other story altogether), and got to the main bus terminal.
-815am, at the bus stop/market in Managua in line with Boston and my bag for the bus to Chinandega, Nicaragua.  Not too bad so far, for less than $5 I got a taxi to take me from a bus stop to the Ticabus stop, and then to the bus terminal.
-It is probably @ 1230, we made it by van, not a bus to Chinandega (2.5 hours), then took another van to La Frontiera (the border) at some town I can't remember nor pronounce.  Walked through immigration and had to pay $2, went across a long bridge,...now waiting for a bus to take us from here (Honduras border) to the El Salvador border, which I believe is called Amatillo (all I know is that its known to be a crazy border).
-741pm, laying on a bed with Boston after sharing pupusas that were so so.  We are in a town in El Salvador called San Miguel (NEVER STAY IN SAN MIGUEL).  Today and the last few days have been utterly exhausting...Ok- so picking up where I left off- from the border of Honduras we took another squished-with-people-van to the border of El Salvador ($6, 3 hours.)  Poor Boston, it has been an extremely hot travel day and I can tell he is overheated and miserable :( Got to the border and we had to exit the country and then cross another creepy bridge, then enter El Salvador. Realized we missed the last bus to San Salvador so... had no other choice but to take a chicken bus to a town called San Miguel.  Paid $15 for room at a place around the corner from the bus terminal....will never stay in the town again.  The plan is to fall asleep and get up @315am to catch the 4am bus...Boston and I should sleep well after a day like today and with belly's full of pupusas.

-Caught the 4am bus to San Salvador.  Got a cabbie to take us to the Ticabus stop (to pick up my suitcase) and then to El Tunco for $30...fell asleep almost instantly and then we were there. Whew.

To be honest, moving to Nicaragua was easier for me.

Destination: El Tunco, El Salvador

Softball Saturday in SJDS


*excerpt from my journal

Today has been one of the craziest days of my entire life (I have said this many times).  I am currently sitting against someones farm house trying to make sure Boston doesn't chase the chicken or pig- again.  There is a black fluffy chicken pecking away at Boston's toy...mountains and hills paint the backdrop...

-Several guys just took an old orange cone (the kind you use in P.E. in elementary school) and used that to draw out the lines to the ball field next to the farm house.  Our team (DSS) has fancy new uniforms, the juxtaposition between that and our setting is amusing.

-It took us an hour to get out here (at least it felt like that) through back roads and fields of grain.  Boston had his head out the window of the cab watching all the passing cows and horses.  Several times we had to wait for cattle to cross...

-My friend Ana just arrived with a cooler of beer...pigs are walking out on the field in the middle of play, oh there goes a herd of cattle...

today's umpire

-I am sitting with a dusty surf leash attached to Boston and to my ankle writing as this hysterical display takes place in front of me, people have come out from the surrounding fields and neighborhoods to watch, I couldn't be happier.

Vacation from my vacation, dia 7 (& 8)


Woke up and got some breakfast in town.  Decided to cab it early tomorrow morning (330 am ugh).  BUT, today is going to be a great last day!  There is rumor of a pool party later on today.  I didn't think that it would be so hard to leave here...the people are so nice and its so colorful...

(430 am the following morning)
Lets see...I packed my things and went to the beach for a bit to do some swimming and try and clear our my (sinuses)- because I woke up with my face directly in front a a standing room fan...Headed to El Tunco Lodge for the pool party...got pupusas for dinner...called it a night early and set my alarm for 3am.

-It is 437am; I went to bed listening to Cat Stevens, the only problem with this was that my alarm is set as a Cat Stevens song so I never heard it when it 'went off.'  Thankfully one of my travel mates knew my room and had the van honk his horn (that sounds funny) until I woke up....slept the way to San Salvador...now sitting in the Ticabus office in San Salvador 80% asleep and with a stupid nose sniffle.  I just want to go to sleep, it is going to be a long day of traveling.

-I think that its @ 1245 or 145, not sure..just came through the Nicaraguan border, the ride has been uneventful, and this bit of a cold is making me feel miserable..hours to go.

(arrived and obviously passed out)

Vacation from my Vacation, dia 6


It is Saturday, and I know that my trip has become fun because I have to try and remember the night before the following day when I sit to write in my journal...

friends at the party table 
Last night...we showered and ate pupusas for dinner :) Got red bulls and mixed that with Flor de Caña and ice- not too bad.  Left with a group of people from the hostel and went to the $10 all-you-can-drink party some of the guys who are staying at our hostel were throwing as big bar on the beach.  I still say that $10 is too much money (I live in Central America)- but I have to keep reminding myself that I am on vacation...the night turned out well....
 -Today, woke up to a symphony of animal noises...first it was roosters, then owls, then roosters once more, and currently there are beautiful birds chirping melodies....my clothes and bathing suit that were drying outside had little baby spiders on them, just shook them off- ew, no worries....went to town- which to my understanding is one road that meets another.  Got iced coffee with vanilla soymilk....went online for about 2 hours ...caught up with things...got a razor and a banana for 70cents, went for a dip in the pool and headed to the beach...

Got waay too much sun...my back is stinging...ended up getting a tattoo and grabbing some Mexican food...saw a shooting star as I walked along the beach at night...