“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Vacation from my vacation, dia 7 (& 8)


Woke up and got some breakfast in town.  Decided to cab it early tomorrow morning (330 am ugh).  BUT, today is going to be a great last day!  There is rumor of a pool party later on today.  I didn't think that it would be so hard to leave here...the people are so nice and its so colorful...

(430 am the following morning)
Lets see...I packed my things and went to the beach for a bit to do some swimming and try and clear our my (sinuses)- because I woke up with my face directly in front a a standing room fan...Headed to El Tunco Lodge for the pool party...got pupusas for dinner...called it a night early and set my alarm for 3am.

-It is 437am; I went to bed listening to Cat Stevens, the only problem with this was that my alarm is set as a Cat Stevens song so I never heard it when it 'went off.'  Thankfully one of my travel mates knew my room and had the van honk his horn (that sounds funny) until I woke up....slept the way to San Salvador...now sitting in the Ticabus office in San Salvador 80% asleep and with a stupid nose sniffle.  I just want to go to sleep, it is going to be a long day of traveling.

-I think that its @ 1245 or 145, not sure..just came through the Nicaraguan border, the ride has been uneventful, and this bit of a cold is making me feel miserable..hours to go.

(arrived and obviously passed out)

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