*excerpt from my journal

Yesterday was amazing. It was Thursday. Ok so the early morning blew but once I jumped in the bed of the pickup truck stocked full of people headed to the waterfalls, I was good. The ride was about 30-40 minutes, but who cares when the wind is in your face and everyone is laughing squished up with people from countries around the world.

The hike was down the mountain (meaning the way back was going to be brutal)...we got to the falls, which were stacked as in-you jump in one and swim to the other then jump into that one, and so on.When you get to the highest one...either you jump or you watch (its scary high). I jumped. T'was completely worth is...you have to actually scoot out to this rock ledge, covered in green slippery algae all the while you and the ledge are covered by gushing water, and then jump- you have to jump directly into the waterfall (not sure why but its like important)...my feet actually touched which is scary. There is video floating around of this I need to find it. Everyone hiked down further to other falls, down crazy trails where you are slipping and falling no matter your experience level.

Needless to say I am pretty sore at this moment, the hike uphill was indeed brutal- did a lot of bear like crawling, lol. Our group went and had $.50 rice pupusas at a local woman's house after. There were puppies and a lovely garden in her house with orange trees and a large picnic table. We played with the puppies and knocked down oranges from the tree to eat on until our pupusas. An amazing ending to the day :)
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