“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Chasing the Sun

I arrived to Tokyo early this afternoon. Didn’t sleep a wink, watched about 4 movies, mostly featuring Tom Hanks. Japan must love him like Germany loves Hasselhoff.
I went to the Opera last night in Chicago. Came home with an Uber ride around 9 pm and crashed to Ane Brun (it's been a theme). My internal clock woke me up at 630, and I smiled at the ceiling. As I went to wake my friend up (whom was to be traveling to Asia with me) she told me she was too sick..so much that she cancelled her ticket. 
I was not mentally prepped for a solo trip- but once again- "life happens when you're busy making plans" (also been a theme with me).
Got dropped off and checked in with JAL (Japanese Airlines).
The day flight was what tripped me up. I spent my entire day in a cylinder..chasing the sun. (But hey- free Kirin beer)
Through customs and onto a coach bus for an hour to another airport…but through Tokyo city first.
Its @1600 here, I believe I skipped a day, not quite sure…but am confident that I am in the future.
The the air is chilly but refreshing, the trees are lush, the birds the color of pandas and origami cranes have come alive parallel to my bus window. Here goes another adventure. Onward towards happiness and smiles. Who knows where I will go, where I will end up, what I will encounter, who I will meet, what lies ahead.  For now, it’s a day here in the city, and for tomorrow, it's Vietnam. 

Bring it on life, I’m stoked to smile and shine!

(updates to come:))

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