“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Shelter hearts

It’s the 17th, Thursday

I have been in Hoi An for 2 days now, staying at the animal clinic, and helping with Vietnam Animal Welfare. There are 3 buildings, a clinic-where surgeries take place (and where I am staying-Quasimodo a rescued duck lives on the first floor), a clinic with mostly cats (80 of them currently) and another one with lots of different types of animals (a pig, chickens, ducks, cats and dogs). The weather had been shit. Rainy and cold, windy and grey. I am lying in bed with a little dog named Vivi, whom I can’t stop calling Fox...who was found with her mom on the streets here, saved before a dog catcher (for dog meat) had the chance to catch them. She, like her mother is scared of people, of interaction, of anything and everything. They just need love, and time, and more love. I am determined to get her to her puppy-self while I am here, so we are listening to cool mellow music and snuggling with lots and lots of kisses and hugs. One thing I love is that no matter what shelter I help at- the people have hearts bigger than those I have ever known. It’s amazing and wonderful- and aspiring all at the same time. Influential and reminding of how there are those people in this world who exist on the energy of their kindness and on the wings of their enormous hearts. I am grateful for these people.

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