“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas in Vietnam 2015

Christmas eve...

Meet Christmas
Woke up with a headache and a small kitten, small enough to curl in in the palm of your hand-nuzzled on my shoulder. I guess this is what happens when you are an animal rights person who is drunk from the winnings of a holiday pub quiz in the middle of Vietnam.
Team 'Winners'
3 Dragons Bar, Hoi An, Vietnam

Got my bearings, fixed little 'Christmas' up with bedding and food and went to work at the cat shelter, like every other day.

Came home in the early afternoon to feed Christmas..watched a movie and rested a bit, then headed out to get a 'blind massage. Self-explanatory. Literally. A blind woman gave me one of the best massages of my life, an hour for $5. Refreshed, I left, grabbed some sugar cane juice and headed home.

Went out in the evening and met up with some friends at a local pub called 'Dive Bar.' Decided to get not wasted on passion fruit juice, relaxed with some good company, saw the lanterns in the full moon, grabbed curry and called it a night.  Wonderful full moon Christmas eve I have to admit.

Christmas day...

Woke up and made vegan banana-coconut pancakes for everyone. Then headed to the cat shelter to work.  Someone has to help even on Christmas day.  It felt good giving instead of receiving this holiday. After the shelter I grabbed some veg food (.66 usd) and went to snuggle with the kitten.  Who is doing much better, eating tons and keeping me up every single night:)

I remember meeting an amazing girl years ago in Nicaragua..she had told me she spent her Christmas cycling in Vietnam- at that moment I dreamed that would be something I will do one day...So I headed out for the afternoon towards the beach. Rented a bicycle and rode though the rice fields.
As green as green can possible be, and the air was perfect, sunny and cool at the same time..riding felt on the brim of magical.

I rode to the beach and found a place on the sand. Enjoyed a bit of green to the crystal blue sky and mesmerizing view.

Saw the periwinkle sunset..it was a perfect afternoon.

Made an African Peanut Sweet Potato stew for Christmas dinner.  Dinner and a movie at the clinic with the cat and the duck and my friend, and called it a night.  

The day after...

Once again trying to get a nights sleep with a very little and young kitten is beyond difficult. Woke up and went to get some breakfast..the exact same routine I have every other day besides Christmas. Had coffee at the shelter, chatted with family (being that my Christmas is a full 12 hours different than back in the states,) worked and headed home to Christmas.

Now I am caught up...I wanted to write down my Christmas experience so that I do not forget it. Someone I have this amazing feeling that my adventure here is just beginning and it will only get more crazy and magical from here on...
-Phil Lewis Art

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” 
― W.B. Yeats

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.” 
― Roald Dahl

Happy New Years early, from the future, in the present.


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