“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Friday, December 11, 2015

Saturday in New Saigon

Saturday- no clue the date
Getting here was tough. The flights, the time change, the jet lag. The migraine after my first night out. (they gave me codeine- which I have to admit absolutely works). Its technically my 3rd day here. Day one was sleeping, going out, meeting people from all over the world and partying until 3am. Day two was migraine and sleep. Day three- today, I woke up ready to take on this journey. I went for a run at 630am and loved seeing all the people working out at the park around the block. There were groups doing yoga, groups running, some people ballroom dancing in a pavilion...and planted exercise equipment which I shared with a woman who must have been in her 80s.  Showered and took a walk around the block(s).
So the black coffee here (15,000vnd) is epic. I just jumped up and down in my room for no reason, and my hands are shaking a bit. I want more.
Ho Chi Minh city, at least the part I am in- near Pham Ngu Lao road is crazy. Its alive, colorful and I am scared to death of the scooters. Seriously. They say when you walk across the street you might want to close your eyes, the scooters will go around you, its best not to EVER pause, but walk.
Side note- being a vegan here is a bit tough, not entirely impossible, but street Pho is made with meat- which is everywhere.
Its almost 9 am. I am giving myself 3 hours to muster courage and rent a scooter. I want to visit all the stared places on the cheap tourist map I was handed when I first arrived.
Updates and photos to come

Cheers from the future.

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