“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I figured that all people had it. Maybe a lot of them do. For me, I do not believe that there is a minute that goes by where there is not a song or tune playing in my head.  It's my personal soundtrack to life.  Like movies have soundtracks; where the music is absolutely in tune to what may be happening at that moment, where the volume heightens in times of anticipation, and anger.  Same thing in my head.

My mornings usually begin with a James Taylor song, because that's what my alarm is set to and because he is awesome.  When I am super happy (currently) the Cat Stevens's song, "Can't Keep it In" plays.  When I'm relaxing on the beach (currently) any song from Shwayze's Island in the Sun album plays.   When I'm upset at a boy, it's usually Hinder.  When I am cooking it's always Regina Spektor. When I'm traveling its Wild World, Cat Stevens. And at the end of my day, when I'm drifting away to my dreams- it's James Taylor's Greatest Hits (on repeat).

I begin and end my day with James Taylor, and fill it up with Cat Stevens, generally.

OK, so its out, and on that note of acknowledging that I have a soundtrack to my life... I believe strongly that bathrooms should all have disco balls, that there should be TV shows for dogs, and that pterodactyls are real (and fly over the bay of San Juan del Sur).

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